
  • Total Number of Questions: 10
  • Score out of: 10
  • Time alloted: 30 seconds per question, total 30 minutes
  • Each question carry 1 mark
  • No negtive marking


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1. PHP 5 support exceptions

2. Which of the following is used to validate and sanitize external input?

3. What is the correct way to create comments in PHP?

4. Which of the following is not a valid directive for declare construct?

5. assert() be used to check user input?

6. In PHP which function is used to remove whitespace from the start and end of a variable?

7. Which PHP function displays the web page’s most recent modification date?

8. Which of the following characters are taken care of by htmlspecialchars?

9. What is the use of ereg() function in PHP?

10. PHP allows us to use include (”header.php”) two times in a PHP page “index.php”?
