Laravel QUIZ


  • Total Number of Questions: 10
  • Score out of: 10
  • Time alloted: 30 seconds per question, total 30 minutes
  • Each question carry 1 mark
  • No negtive marking


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1. Which of the following database not supported by Laravel 5?

2. Where do we need to set database connection in Laravel?

3. Which file contains the database configuration?

4. How can we get posts between 2 dates in Laravel?

5. Which is the correct way to get random 10 records from a table?

6. All records from Laravel collection are return by which collection method?

7. What type of way does Laravel use to get data from a database ?

8. How to get current action name in Laravel?

9. Which command is used to get list of all routes?

10. Which among the following methods should be used to alter the columns of an existing table?
