Laravel QUIZ


  • Total Number of Questions: 10
  • Score out of: 10
  • Time alloted: 30 seconds per question, total 30 minutes
  • Each question carry 1 mark
  • No negtive marking


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1. In which file we can create routes for an API in Laravel?

2. Which method is used in Laravel to method to check request is ajax or not?

3. For what do the .env is used?

4. What does ORM stands for in laravel?

5. How we can use a custom table with with Model in Laravel?

6. Which of the following should be included in forms to protect website from attack?

7. After running "artisan down", The project will show the maintenance page. What would be HTTP Status return Code?

8. Which class is used in Laravel to handle exceptions?

9. How can we get posts between 2 dates in Laravel?

10. How to create Laravel Controller, Model and Migration for posts in command line with single command?
