
  • Total Number of Questions: 10
  • Score out of: 10
  • Time alloted: 30 seconds per question, total 30 minutes
  • Each question carry 1 mark
  • No negtive marking


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1. Which of the following cryptographic functions in PHP returns the longest hash value?

2. Which character will not be used while creating a variable in PHP?

3. What is the string concatenation operator in PHP?

4. Which of the following characters are taken care of by htmlspecialchars?

5. What is the use of ereg() function in PHP?

6. Which among the following is not a valid PHP XML api?

7. Choose correct function which checks if a specified value exists in an array?

8. PHP 5 support exceptions

9. Which PHP statement will give output as $x on the screen?

10. Which of the following is not a PHP magic constant?
